Start Moving the Dial on Wellbeing at Work

Create a healthier, higher performing workplace culture by connecting the dots between environment, experience and wellbeing powered by our unique Px3™ framework. Go beyond band-aid solutions to understand what really drives wellbeing outcomes.

The People Experience

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Connecting the Think, Feel and Do of Wellbeing

Discover the how people think about and feel at work, and how that impacts upon physical and mental wellbeing, or indeed burnout.

Using our Px3TM framework we will highlight key focus areas that are most likely to have an impact on wellbeing and, at the same time, show how these impact through the emotional experience . This data-driven approach enables you to tell a stronger story and align survey actions with strategy.

This will help you:

  • Move from managing symptoms to dealing with causes
  • Use your wellbeing budget efficiently
  • And ultimately drive better wellbeing outcomes.

Stress costs the UK Econonomy £28bn yearly

Psychological Wellbeing

33 Million days are lost to minor illnesses

Physical Wellbeing

Nearly two-in-five households were in ‘serious financial difficulties’  in 2024

Financial Wellbeing

Loneliness is estimated to impact productivity by £664m

Social Wellbeing